Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Invisalign Clincheck 3D Animation Review

So next came my "Clincheck" review appointment. This was a very quick appointment, my orthodontist showed me a 3D animation of what to expect from my Invisalign Treatment. I was very happy to see the final result, where all teeth were straight and my open bite gap reduced substantially. I was told I would need 14 aligners, each worn for 10 days.

At this stage he was also able to show me where the attachments would be placed on my teeth, unlike the sample photo below, all mine were on my front teeth :( six on top and six on bottom. I guess this was necessary as these are the main teeth that need to move. He also showed me the teeth that would require inter-proximal reduction. I would need 3 spaces made on first appointment and a few more after wearing 4 aligners. 

sample clincheck screen
My aligners would arrive in around 10 days, but I decided to start my treatment at the very end of the month as I had a trip booked and thought it best to start after my trip.